"Look how she glows, our one and only! It was a mystical day, that we will treasure forever, a place that we will always remember"
The "Mirage" we call it... Our team was bound to secrecy and we are still feeling the chills of this magical place. A little glimpse of the day our first campaign shoot and first collection came together. It was January 11 2017, a day of morning rains, the ones we usually wake up to in the Caribbean and an afternoon of sunshine and beauty. Waves crashing into the rocks, the extreme mist in the air, huge water fans, cascades of sea foam, a rainbow peeking in and so much exotic vegetation... There was no doubt we were set for an epic shoot.
Our night ended with music, champagne glasses and celebrations. Take a look at the photos below for they are some great memories. From this beautiful dog who gave us a friendly visit, to the beautiful flora, our camp ground, a behind the scenes of our stunning model at work, the rocks, one of our favorite looks and our fabulous and dedicated team.
It's almost time and you will be the first to know! We are working hard to finalize our campaign catalogue, website & online shop. The atelier can't wait to share with you all the one of a kind pieces from our debut collection. Thanks for following us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.