Happy New Year 2018 to all of our IN readers! Our designer Isabel Herrero has just teamed up with NET-À-TÊTE, to write their newest blog post all about jewelry care. We are pleased to give you this ultimate dos & don'ts guide for the care of your one of a kind beauties. Just in time for getting truly IN with your jewelry and those new pieces you have added to your collection during the Holidays! So don't wait any longer and head over to net-a-tete.com and check it out... just launched today!

Isabel has revealed some of our favorite tips and secrets practiced by our atelier everyday...
It has been a pleasure to team up with the incredible NET-À-TÊTE family once again, for this brilliant blog post on one of our favorite subjects. Hope our IN babes enjoy it and make great use of it. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous year!
Always, the Atelier.
| blog-post | net-a-tete.com | @netatete |
Photos : Web snapshots via www.net-a-tete.com